What forms of ID are acceptable for Adult Signature 21+ Products?
The following forms of ID can be scanned:
- U.S. driver license
- U.S. Passport (only available for FedEx Ground deliveries)
- U.S. state ID
- U.S. military ID
If another form of ID that is unable to be scanned is provided, it will be inspected manually for age verification.
Effective 06/28/22, FedEx will introduce scanning technology that electronically captures the recipient’s first initial, last name, and automatically verifies age requirements are met for deliveries requiring an adult signature.
What if I do not want to have my ID scanned at delivery?
If you decline to have your ID scanned at delivery, your age will be verified by the driver by manually entering your date of birth. The driver will also manually enter your first initial and last name.
Does the name & address on the shipping label have to match with the name & address of the Recipient for Adult Signature 21+ Products?
No. A recipient’s ID will be scanned to verify the individual accepting the adult signature required delivery is 21 years or older.
No. A recipient’s ID will be scanned to verify the individual accepting the adult signature required delivery is 21 years or older.