Once you place an order with us you'll receive an email confirmation that will include a link to your order status page. This information will update as your order is prepared and eventually shipped. Additionally, you'll receive email notifications from us providing updates, such as "Your order has shipped" and "Your order has been delivered." The emails will include tracking information so you can follow your deliciousness on its journey from food shop to your door.
If you can't find that email or the tracking information, you can view your order history by logging in to your account page here. From here you can click on any order to view the tracking information.
Depending on the shipping method and perishability of the item, it is normal for tracking information to not show movement until the late evening prior to your estimated delivery date. If there appears to be an issue with your delivery, please speak to us via live chat on the main page or email us at support@goldbelly.com for immediate support.